Tuesday, 9 August 2011

TKT overview

The TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) is a qualification from Cambridge ESOL. It is for people who want to teach English and develop the knowledge they need to become English teachers. It is also ideal for non-native English speakers who are already teaching English, and who would like to improve their knowledge. There is also the TKT Practical for people who want a certificate for their teaching skills. From here.

Our course is six weeks long. Weeks 1 to 4 cover the three core modules of TKT. They are:

Module 1: Background to language teaching.
This module tests your knowledge of the terms and concepts common in English language teaching. It also focuses on the core knowledge underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the options and resources you can use in the classroom. From here.

Module 2: Planning for language teaching.
This module focuses on the knowledge and skills you need to be able to plan a lesson framework or series of lessons. 
Teaching in this context also refers to any assessment required by you to consolidate learning. It also focuses on the resources that are available to guide you in your lesson planning.  From here.

Module 3: Classroom management.
This module tests your knowledge of what happens in the classroom during language learning, the teacher’s role and the ways in which you can manage and exploit classroom events and interactions.  From here.

Week 5 involves teaching practice. You will plan and teach a variety of lessons for a group of non-native speakers. The purpose of this is to help you see how the theory which you study in weeks 1 to 4 apply to the classroom environment. This teaching practice is not assessed by Cambridge.

Week 6 allows time for revision before the TKT exam which takes place on the Friday of week 6.

Cambridge ESOL have introduced a new module in 2011: TKT practical. This is an optional module which will be assessed by a Cambridge assessor in Week 6. Further information on the TKT Practical module is available here.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog for helping TKT trainees develop their teaching knowledge before the test. Well done!

    TKT coursebook and resources
